Coburn Says Health Reform Intended to Fail

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) “said Thursday that recent health care reform is equivalent to malpractice and intended to fail,” the Tulsa World reports.

"The motivation is not to fix health care," Coburn told about 40 people at the Miami Civic Center. "The motivation is to put the federal government in charge of health care.

"This may be a little paranoid, but I think they know it’s going to fail," Coburn said. "Then we’ll go to a single payer system like Western Europe."

(credit image – msn)


Filed under Health

2 responses to “Coburn Says Health Reform Intended to Fail

  1. quincy in nashville

    It seems that the party is busy fabricating justification for the no votes. How is this helpful? Who brainwashed these idiots? The person who developed this strategy and is leading the charge is the closest thing to a Hitler we’ve seen. Talk radio is creating mob rule in America.

  2. Pat H.

    This statement coming from “Dr.” Coburn is ludicrious! Equivalent to MalPractice??? What alternate universe are these people on? The universe of Murdoch Ailes, that’s where.

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