McConnell Warns Against Changing Tax Deal

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “on Monday night warned House Democrats against making any changes to the Senate’s tax cut bill, saying it would torpedo the package,” Roll Call reports.

The Kentucky Republican’s comments came in a statement shortly after the Senate agreed to move toward final passage of the tax measure, which would extend Bush-era tax cuts for two years and unemployment benefits for 13 months. McConnell struck the deal with the White House last week.

“We now urge the House leadership to bring this bipartisan agreement to a vote without political games or partisan changes designed only to block this bill’s passage in the House. If the House Democratic Leadership decides to make partisan changes, they will ensure that every American taxpayer will see a job-killing tax hike on January 1st,” McConnell said in the statement.

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Filed under Energy, House of Representatives, Party Leadership, Taxes, Unemployment

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