Senate Adopts Cloture Motion on Continuing Extension Act

Senators have adopted a procedural (cloture) motion to begin debate on the Continuing Extension Act (H.R. 4851) by a vote of 60 to 34.  Sixty votes were needed for passage.

The bill extends “jobless benefits, subsidies for the COBRA health insurance program and federal flood insurance through May 5,” according to the Washington Post.

Among other things, it would also “halt a 21 percent cut in payments to physicians who treat patients on Medicare,” according to Congressional Quarterly.

The “doc fix” would prevent a pay cut in Medicare reimbursements to physicians that had been scheduled to take effect April 1 but was temporarily delayed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services because of the expected legislative action. The bill would extend higher payments for physicians through April 30 — at which time the cuts would be reinstated unless the payments are extended again.

It’s likely that this measure will be completed this week.

(credit image – associated press)

1 Comment

Filed under COBRA, Flood Insurance, Medicare, Unemployment

One response to “Senate Adopts Cloture Motion on Continuing Extension Act

  1. Ryder

    Not one word about extensions and ADDED TIERS to go until the end of the year. Millions are already out of benefits and the state of things will get much worse with no money to pay bills, buy food, gas so we can continue looking for work, etc. So now what Washington?? Are you hiding your heads in the sand about us long term unemployed again? Washington is like a sandbox full of little kids fighting over who uses the sand pails next. They are playing with peoples lives….not sand pails. Now those of us who need it the most will not get the help we need because of their childish antics and all because it is election year. Let’s get them ALL out of officew and get a bunch of new kids in there. I am so ashamed of Washington and everything they supposedly represent for America. This could spell doom for the long term unemployed if the Washington Kids can’t get along and take care of business no matter what they must do to get it done.

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