Kentucky Senate: Paul, Mongiardo Continue to Lead Primary Races

The new “Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll of Kentucky finds that Rand Paul, an ophthalmologist and son of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), has been succeeding in his anti-establishment, Tea Party-style campaign for the Republican nomination for Senate,” Talking Points Memo reports.

The numbers: Paul 40%, Secretary of State Trey Grayson 28%. In the last Kos/R2K poll, conducted back in late August and early September 2009, Grayson was ahead by 40%-25%. Grayson started the race as the clear choice of the party establishment, but Paul has thus far been able to mobilize conservative activists and bloggers.

Democratic numbers:

For the Democratic nomination, Lt. Gov. Dan Mongiardo leads Attorney General Jack Conway by 47%-31%. Mongiardo was also the 2004 nominee for Senate against Republican Sen. Jim Bunning, who is retiring this year, with then-state Senator Mongiardo making it a 51%-49% race in a red state in a Republican year. This was widely thought to be due to Bunning’s own gaffes, however, which are not a factor anymore.

Republicans currently lead in the general election matchups:

In the general election matches this time, both GOP candidates maintain leads over the Democrats. Paul leads Mongiardo by 46%-37%, and Paul leads Conway by 45%-39%. Grayson leads Mongiardo by 43%-38%, and Grayson leads Conway by 44%-36%.

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