Senate Defeats Coburn Constitutional Point of Order on Legislative Appropriations Bill

Senators have defeated an attempt by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) to raise a Constitutional point of order against a provision in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (H.R. 2918) by a vote of 70 to 23.

The question specifically occurred on if the earmark provision was “in order,” or eligible, to be included in the bill.

The point of order deals with an earmark of $200,000 for the Durham Museum in Omaha, Nebraska.  Senator Coburn said it violated Article I – Section 8 of the Constitution and the 10th amendment.


Filed under Misc.

4 responses to “Senate Defeats Coburn Constitutional Point of Order on Legislative Appropriations Bill


    100000+people die year from perscription drug,lets ban tv ads that “ask your dr.” thats how there paid?

    mr coburn can we ban drug ads on tv
    we do not want people telling drs. what we want to take?

    we want drs. telling us what we need?
    congress has done this with tobacco ads on tv ,and alcohol ads on broadcast tv ,but there all over cable?

    and we wonder why 18,19,20 year olds have 2 or more dui’s dwi’s?

    this is what congress needs to work on ? drug co’s give millions to congress,congress is like a jury?
    if one gave money to a jurior oh my?
    Sen. Reid (D-NV) blocks debate on pork-laden bill see he took money from someone? the scum bag


    (and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.)

    Section 3 – The Senate

    sounds to me the state of ILL legis has the power to kick burris to the curb and remove the temp appointment and then fill it with a permanent senator?

    if this is the case the congress have not upheld the constitution and should all be impeached

  3. Jersey Joe

    So let me get this straight, Coburn was trying to block an earmark for his state to highlight the unconstitutionality of Reid’s bill.

    Did I get that right?

    God bless Coburn if I got that right.

  4. Boots

    From doctor to Senator to constitutional expert. Tom “the blocker” Coburn is delusional and a disgrace to humanity. And, he’s a racist Obama hater to boot.

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